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A Web2 onboarding experience for your Web3 app

Achieve mass adoption, not mass confusion

Trusted by

Hungri games
Era guardian
Beast League


Discover our solutions for elevated dApp development

Web Wallet


A single SDK to integrate with all wallets in the Casper ecosystem in just minutes. It offers a common API for all wallets, and a simple, familiar and intuitive UI for your users. Makes wallet connection, account management and interaction with the network a simple task.

Compatible with all front-end development stack with a dedicated library for React projects.

Web Wallet

A self-custodial web-based wallet that provides a web2 onboarding experience to your web3 project. Users can connect with most common social login providers like Google or Apple Id, and get a wallet account they can use without the complexity of managing seed phrases, private keys, etc.

Contact us for more information.

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Why solves onboarding for mass adoption of your Web 3 application by making it simple and intuitive for users to comprehend, while making it utterly easy for developers to implement

Provide new users a Web2-style experience while accessing Web3 Apps
Easy Fiat on-ramping and payments are available through
Secure, self-custodial wallet without the need for a download or mobile app
Single SDK integration
Familiar UI for account management, settings, and future ecosystem-wide functionality
Created by MAKE -
the leading technology provider in the Casper ecosystem

Why solves onboarding for mass adoption of your Web 3 application by making it simple and intuitive for users to comprehend, while making it utterly easy for developers to implement

Provide new users a Web2-style experience while accessing Web3 Apps
Easy Fiat on-ramping and payments are available through
Secure, self-custodial wallet without the need for a download or mobile app
Single SDK integration
Familiar UI for account management, settings, and future ecosystem-wide functionality
Created by MAKE -
the leading technology provider in the Casper ecosystem allows


to integrate with all wallets using just one single SDK instead of maintaining several integrations

—  Easy to use quick integrations SDKs
—  On-ramp and fiat payments available
—  Uniform UX/UI
—  Fully secure


to seamlessly transition from one Web3 app to another without the need to log-in again each time

—  No need to download anything
—  No web extension
—  Familiar UI/UX
—  A central point to manage Web3 assets, account and settings

Use Cases

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Streamlined blockchain integration to bring trust to your products

Enterprise-grade middleware layer for the Casper Network

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If you are interested in a custom solution, 
feel free to contact us

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Casper Network Node version: 1.0.1 (g0c85fbc)